Sunday, 23 February 2014


I had my thirty-ish birthday over Family Day weekend.
a woo… hoo.
Age aside, it was still a good day.
First thing's first - doughnut break.
"All of them."

Second stop - AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario).
Where we spent most of our time playing tag… it was still a good time.
More interested in creating her own art than looking at someone else's…
Actually, most interested in throwing pencil crayons.
Oh our mischievous monkey.
"who me?"
(The get-away-with-anything smile)

Thanks for the birthday calls, emails and messages!

Monday, 17 February 2014

family wash. cut. blow.

A family that haircuts together, stays together…?
Not because it was family day weekend or anything,
we all just really needed haircuts.
Curious minds want to know...
Watching papa get his hair did.
…but that didn't last long so thank goodness for stickers.
Mama's turn, then Bean's turn.
So serious, so still, so quiet, so good. 
Primping is no joke.

Hope you had a good long weekend!
(or a regular weekend if you have no idea what "family day" is)
Yay for short work weeks.