Monday, 14 April 2014

the little pony that (almost) can.

And this is why I shouldn't say these things out loud.
Yesterday 20+ degrees, today 17 degrees, tomorrow - SNOW.
Enough already.
Also, it's another feverish sick day at our house.
Haaappy Monday.
But this isn't what I was going to talk about today...

Once upon a time, she was a little baldy.
(she was probably equally concerned for her lack of hair)

But finally, after almost two years,
she has just enough hair, that's just long enough to tie into the littlest pony.
Just pulling her hair back made her suddenly seem so much older,
like a little girl… where is my baby?!
I'm so excited, and a tiny bit sad.
She was too busy playing to barely even notice.
And then yanked it right out when she eventually realized that something was in her hair.
And then complained to me that it came out, and told me to put it back in.
We played that "game" about 10 more times.
Oh the joys of having a girl.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

mini michelin woman.

For a while it felt like it would never end…
but hello spring, although I say that with caution because I'm almost convinced
that the second I let my guard down, it's going to snow again.
But in the event that spring is really here to stay, let there be a record of this nugget in her snowsuit. 

On a day that was finally warm enough to play outside.

Of course she wanted nothing to do with the fluffy white snow that was in abundance since December,
but this grey, solid as a rock, left over ice with bits of garbage stuck in it?
Well let me at it.
(as mama stands behind the camera, trying not to freak out)