Tuesday, 11 July 2017


Sweet girl, you are two today. 

I like to go through pictures of those early days, 
to remind myself of how terrified I felt, 
and my disappointment for a loss of the daughter 
I thought I was having. 

I remember seeing the happy hopeful faces 
of the other mothers as I walked through 
the maternity ward to visit you in the NICU, 
and sobbed with the overwhelming feeling 
of fear, grief, and guilt. 

I like to remind myself because I know now 
that those feelings were caused by my ignorance. 

In the past two years, you have taught me more 
about joy, patience, acceptance, perseverance, 
and unconditional love than 
many people learn in a lifetime.

You are exactly the daughter, sister, 
granddaughter, and niece that our family needed. 

Thank you for choosing us. 

Thank you for being exactly who you are. 

Happy 2nd birthday. 
Here's to many many more.