I've been slacking off a bit in the writing department, but Shaun's been very busy at work, which means a lot of Bean/mama alone time, which then results in a tired mama.
It's Thursday, Embrace the Camera day. So even though Emily is taking a "link up break", I'm embracing anyways.
Oh, this wrap that I'm wearing by Solly Baby. They are awesomesauce.
I've tried a few carrier/wraps, and researched a whole lot more, and this is by far the most comfortable one I've used. So many wraps are made with a thick, heavy fabric. This is much more breathable and Bean and I don't end up as sweatballs.
I can also stuff it into my diaper bag and it doesn't take up all the space.
They come in so many great colours, but my choice was obvious.
Um, hello stripes? Yes please.
Most importantly, Bean enjoys the wrap just as much as mama.
**No, I am not a sales person, I am just excited about a wonderful product.
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