Monday, 19 November 2012


What the heck is a Matryoshka...?
 What the...?
 Ok, so there's two?
So three then...
H.O.L.Y. Crap.
 I don't trust these guys.

I know you won't laugh at this for the next 3 days like I did,
but hopefully you'll get a little chuckle out of it on your Monday morning.

Friday, 16 November 2012

hello from out west.

Yes, I have been slacking off.
Bean and I left poor papa to work and flew out west to see jiji & baba.
Being fed by your mama is a glorious thing,  no matter how old you are,
even when you've become a mama yourself.
Kudos to my girl for being so good during the flight, even though we were stuck on the sold out plane for an extra hour (totalling about 7 hours in that tiny seat).  Thank you Edmonton for all that snow/ice.
A small kudos to myself for fitting everything into one carryon and managing to hold/feed Bean without exposing a nipp to the large dude (2 large dudes) sitting next to us.  
Oh, and for managing to change diapers in the ridiculously small airplane bathroom without any accidents.  We barely fit.  Seriously.  I can't imagine being in there when she gets any bigger.  
*lip sweat*

Bean is getting so much attention and hugs from the grans, we may be in trouble when we go back home and she realizes that mama has to do more than just play and hold her all day...
We'll just enjoy it for now though.

Happy weekend everyone!

Monday, 5 November 2012

gettin' mah craft on.

I've wanted to put Bean's name up on her bedroom wall for a while, 
but haven't been able to find anything that I liked.
So I decided to make it.
I bought plain wooden letters from the craft store, and painted the sides with acrylic paint.
The first picture was after one coat - I did two.
And yes, the cookie was a necessary part of the process.
I traced the letters on scrapbook paper and cut them out with an exacto knife.  
One letter I did in green as an accent colour, the rest I used two different patterns and made them into stripes (hello I have a stripes addiction).  I tore the sheets by hand because I didn't want it to look too "clean", and glued the strips back into the stripe pattern before tracing/cutting.
And then good ol' Mod Podge.
A little Mod Podge on the letter and two coats on top.
Et voila.

I have too many things that I want to make and not enough time...
I also wish I had a sewing machine... and a serger... a glue gun... a staple gun...
None of which I have room for in the house but that's neither here nor there.

In other news, the lady is 5 months today.
**insert cliche rant about how she's growing up too quickly**

Thursday, 1 November 2012

embrace the camera.

Yup, it's Thursday.
To celebrate our 2nd anniversary and our family of 3, 
we had some pictures taken by the lovely Camilla who also did our wedding photos.
It was nice to be in front of the camera for a change. 
(looking clean, presentable, and NOT in sweatpants...) 
Lady was totally not in the mood to smile and was putting on her best 
"serious/occasionally pouty model face". 
 She was cute anyway.
Okay, I think you've been subjected to enough family cheesiness for one day.

**Photos by the fabulous Camilla Pucholt