Wednesday, 8 May 2013

happy mail day.

"What's this?"
(T minus 2 seconds before the box toppled over... and took her down with it.
No worries, it was a light box.  She only cried cause she was startled.)
 "I help."
(T minus 2 seconds before she started crawling on top of it and I had to drag her off.)
"Hey it's you, mama. And you look much nicer than usual."
Finally after 2&1/2 years, we printed a picture from our wedding.
We've used CanvasPop before, and based on how well this one turned out, 
we'll definitely be using them again. 
I love this photo by my sister in law.
If you want to see more of her work, you can check it out here.
(Although I'm warning you now - she's amazing, but she's based in Trinidad. 
So you may be in for some disappointment.)

Monday, 6 May 2013

birthday weekend.

A happy birthday weekend for papa.
Chocolate is the way to his heart.
On your birthday, you get to eat cupcakes for breakfast.
Bean celebrated too, by showing off her new straw-drinking skills.
(Oh thank goodness he stopped after 3... although he snuck in 2 the night before... 
and then ate another one later this evening)
...and then we went to the zoo.
Someone was very excited about it.
(actually she was more excited about holding the map)
Perfect spring weather.
"Hello camels."

And Sunday brunch with friends.
Someone was way too interested in the band to eat.
That girl loves music.

Hope you had a good weekend too.
It's only Monday, but at least the weather's amazing.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

hi, i'm still here.

3 internet-free weeks,
1 trying-to-recover-from-jetlag week,
and a mid cold/teething/allergies week.
So hi.
It's been a while.

Poor papa had to work while we spent 3 weeks in Japan,
but it was nice to catch up with friends and family,
and eat.
 Eat A LOT.
Thank goodness I'm still breastfeeding.
And also, carrying Bean is like doing weight training all day.

Now please enjoy a small photo dump of our time in Japan.
(it's "small", considering I took a few hundred pictures)

And a small kudos to myself and Bean for flying back from Japan by ourselves.
Total flight time: 15&1/2 hours
2 Transfers
2 Carry-on bags (+ stroller)
2 Checked bags
and ZERO people who offered to help.
A picture of my flying champion, who didn't even cry once during any of the flights.
Don't mind that she was over the weight limit for the bassinet.
She still chillaxed in it and even took a few naps.
She's a pro.