Ignore the fact that I haven't been here for 3 & 1/2 months.
Life just keeps happening.
Warning you now that I'm about to do a blitz of the past few months to play catch up.
(it's another massive photo dump)
You've been warned.
We traveled to Japan at the end of May.
My tiny traveller.
She did so well. Carried her own backpack any kept up with me the whole time.
Vacation attire. Diva attitude.

Visiting temple with jiji and baba.

We were only there for 2 weeks and it wasn't enough time at all.
As of June, we have a two year old.
How that happened so fast, I have no idea…
Who needs actual gifts when you can be SO excited over balloons?
The summer's going by too fast.
Is the memory of last winter still WAY too fresh in everyone's mind,
or is it just me?
(she may be the tiniest tweenager but she's still my baby)
We spend a lot of time playing outside, which sometimes results in injuries…
Other summer activities including, but not limited to:
Bubble blowing
A little vacation.
Ah yes… I can just see our headaches in her teenage years all the way from here...
Loving the pool.
Trying to leave required minimal effort…
And just generally making the best of the good weather while it lasts.
It's been a good summer so far.
Just let this weather last until October… wishful thinking?
The so called "terrible twos".
There are definitely times when she gives us a run for our money,
but it's still my favourite stage so far.
Her vocabulary seems to grow by the minute, and it's amazing to watch her
switch between English with Shaun, and Japanese with me.
Some recent highlights:
"mama, your shoes are cute today"
(me) "aw, thanks!"
"…ya, it's a little bit cute"
"mama I want to play (a game on the iPhone)"
(me) "no, we're not using the phone right now"
"…ok a little bit"
(me) "no, let's play something else"
"… ok just one time"
(me) "no really, we're not playing with the phone right now"
"… ok last time then"
(me) "are you a big baby?"
"no, I'm a little big girl"
To Drake's "Hold On, We're Going Home"
(Shaun) "just hold on we're going home"
(Bean) "going hooooooooome"
(Shaun) "it's hard to do these things along"
(Bean) "things alooooooooone"
Shaun's attempts at creating his own family band.
And the most frequent used phrases towards Shaun:
"no papa no!"
"stop it papa!"
So it begins already.