Two completely unrelated things, but the former enabled me to do the latter... kind of.
The Boon highchair - I'd say she approves.
So she happily ate played with Sophie for a little bit while I made corn dog muffins
for a potluck Christmas party.
You may or may not know that my artery-clogging-guilty-addiction is corn dogs (& funnel cake).
I will without a doubt get one if I see it at the carnival, amusement park, restaurant... really anywhere, but I draw the line at making deep-fried-dough-covered-hotdog-on-a-stick at home.
So the "healthier" alternative were these muffins.
I used a corn bread recipe and added hotdogs (all natural).
And cheese.
Cause cheese is delicious on everything.
And jalapeños in a few of them as well.
Ok, who am I kidding (especially not myself...) they are definitely not as delicious as the real thing, but they were pretty good.
Even if they came out a little bit dry because a certain supervisor decided that she did not want to supervise anymore, and was demanding that she be entertained.
Ketchup is mandatory.
for a potluck Christmas party.
You may or may not know that my artery-clogging-guilty-addiction is corn dogs (& funnel cake).
I will without a doubt get one if I see it at the carnival, amusement park, restaurant... really anywhere, but I draw the line at making deep-fried-dough-covered-hotdog-on-a-stick at home.
So the "healthier" alternative were these muffins.
I used a corn bread recipe and added hotdogs (all natural).
And cheese.
Cause cheese is delicious on everything.
And jalapeños in a few of them as well.
Ok, who am I kidding (especially not myself...) they are definitely not as delicious as the real thing, but they were pretty good.
Even if they came out a little bit dry because a certain supervisor decided that she did not want to supervise anymore, and was demanding that she be entertained.
Ketchup is mandatory.