Friday, 6 July 2012

and then there were three.

I'm back.
I know it's been a while since my last post - a month plus a few days to be exact, but it's been a whirlwind of a time.
2 days after my previous entry, my very dear friend "Westy" threw me a baby shower.
It was a great time, but maybe a little too much excitement for me.
That night I went back to the hospital and was admitted thanks to my exacerbated preeclampsia symptoms.
To get to the point, I stayed on the high risk unit for 3 days, waiting for the Bean to be a full 37 weeks, 
and she came on June 5.
3 weeks early but perfectly healthy and amazing.

I wish I could have posted the happy news sooner, but I spent the next 12 days in a pain and drug induced haze.  There were lucid moments, but a lot of it is a blur, and I won't go into details here.
The "cliff notes" version is that I had some rather serious complications as a result of the labour and delivery, which kept me in the hospital for the extra time.  
The nurses pointed out that they always see the most well behaved babies with the sickest moms, and our Bean proved the theory to be quite true.  She never fussed, and stayed quietly with me, which was very emotional (even more so with the crazy post pregnancy hormones) when I was unable to feed or even hold her.

But fast forward, we've since come home, I'm slowly but surely recovering, and our little lady turns one month old today.

As so many new parents say, the last 4 weeks flew by in a whirlwind.
We continue to be amazed at the new things that she can do every day, and for me, it's a mixed feeling of happiness and excitement towards the future, and a little bit of sadness that she's already growing up too fast.

By the time I post this, it'll already be the 6th.  Feeding and changing time takes precedence over all else now, and I'm still trying to adjust to it all, but I hope to continue writing as often as she'll let me!


  1. One month old already! It really does fly by, huh? You guys are doing great, and I hope you're fully recovered in no time. Take care, and lots of hugs!!

  2. Thanks Karen. And now she's almost 7 weeks! I can't believe it's going by so fast, it's almost sad. Hope you're doing well also :)
