Sunday, 22 July 2012

life lately.

On top of the new mom insanity, of course my computer breaks down.
It's a hardware issue so we took it to the Apple store to get it checked out but it'll probably cost more than half of a new Macbook to fix... 
They were able to "revive" it temporarily, but if it dies again, it'll be time for a new one...!
Excitement about a new Macbook is mixed with panic over the idea of that kind of expenditure at a time like this. 

In the meantime, the Bean continues to get bigger and more amazing each day. 
We've gotten over the stage where it just felt like surviving "sheer madness" and I'm able to really enjoy her, and being a mom.
It still feels surreal sometimes, and I look at her and think
"holy sh*t I have a BABY?!" 
but that's normal... right?

Did I already mention how bittersweet it is that she's already getting "big" so fast?
Don't grow up too quickly Jellybean :)

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