Monday, 14 May 2012

weekend review.

(If this is your first visit, get to know US!)

Eating a KitKat and thinking about the fun weekend we had...

Ping pong birthday party for our very good friend at Spin
There were a few drinks involved...

Saturday was a late start to the day that began with brunch.
nom nom nom...

& then a stroll at Harbourfront.

We also watched Avengers for the second time...

Mother's day was breakfast at our favourite brunch place, Over Easy.
We do love brunch...
Even when some of it gets stuck on my belly.
(scratching food off of my shirt is a common occurrence now)

It was a very good weekend. Even if my favourite dress got partially eaten by an escalator.
The hormonal pregnant lady cried about in public... at the mall.

& the most exciting part of my weekend:
Shaun picking out the sweetest little onesie for the Bean.

It's only Monday but I'm looking forward to the weekend (long weekend!) already...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun, relaxing weekend. I also like the dress and would have been upset if it got eaten by an escalator :( Great choice of onesie for the Bean Shaun!

